Renting private housing in France
In France, renting private housing can be a relatively quick way to find accommodation. The…
If you have limited financial resources, you can apply to rent a home known as a social housing or “logement social”, also known as an “HLM”. This is rent-controlled housing that is usually much more affordable than private housing. If you have been faced with domestic abuse, you could be put on the priority list of applicants.
Verified by Ouarda Varda Sadoudi on 08/12/2023
Social housing is more affordable housing for people with limited resources. The rent is controlled and below market prices.
This is managed by organisations known as “bailleurs sociaux” which allocate housing to applicants who meet the conditions according to priority criteria.
To apply for social housing, you must:
If you have received a telephone allocated by a judge called the “Téléphone Grave Danger”, or serious danger phone, and you apply for social housing, this accommodation can be allocated to you automatically.
You can contact the organisation responsible for managing the “Téléphone Grave Danger” and that assisted you for more information about the procedure for applying for social housing in your situation.
If you lived with your partner and are leaving the home due to domestic abuse, you are considered a priority for obtaining social housing. Applicable law: “Code de la construction et de l’habitation”, art. L-441.1.”
You should receive social housing more quickly than it usually takes. However, waiting times vary dramatically depending on the department where you live, and are sometimes very long.
In your application, you will need to include the following documents:
Even if you do not have all these documents, you can still apply online. However, you will need to provide a photo of your residence permit or “titre de séjour”.
The majority of social housing applications are now submitted online.
The steps are as follows:
It is also possible to submit your application in person at a branch.
You must complete this form and submit it together with all the documents requested.
You can find a list of available branches in your town or city on this website:
If you are not sure how to complete your application, you can make an appointment with a professional who will help you fill it in.
If you are an employee, some companies have a housing program. You can ask your employer to put you in touch with your company's social worker or health service.
Once your application has been recorded, you can find accommodation in several ways:
You can track the progress of your case online with your application number or “numéro unique d’enregistrement”.
Remember to update your contact details if they change so you don’t miss out on an offer.
In order to speed up the acquisition of social housing, it can be useful to follow a procedure called the enforceable right to housing or “droit au logement opposable (Dalo)” with the departmental committee known as the “commission de médiation”.
To do so, you must meet the conditions for allocating social housing, as well as at least one of the following criteria:
It is recommended that you seek the support of professionals to do this.
The procedure to follow will depend on whether you live in the Ile-de-France region or in another region. This is detailed on this website.
If you're staying in a hostel or “foyer”, they can help you apply for social housing through an emergency program called "Système Priorité Logement (SYPLO)". This will help ensure that your application is treated in priority.
If you do not receive a response after one year and you still want to obtain social housing, you must renew your application.
You can renew your application:
A “bailleur social” does not have the right to refuse your application on the basis of certain discriminatory criteria, such as your origin, health, sexual orientation or religion.
If you think that you have received less favourable treatment in your search for accommodation due to discrimination, there are solutions to assert your rights.
“ADIL” services are local agencies that inform people about their right to housing and the solutions that exist for them.
Social workers or “travailleurs sociaux” and “assistants sociaux” are professionals who support people in their administrative procedures and help them find solutions according to the difficulties they are faced with.
The "PIMMS Médiation" are organisations that inform, guide or support in administrative procedures in many areas: access to public services, access to health care, applications for state financial assistance, tax declarations, declarations to “Pôle Emploi”, etc.
While the utmost care has gone into providing you with the most accurate and up to date information, this page is not intended to replace legal or professional advice. Laws and procedures change regularly so it is important to consult qualified professionals.
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