Requesting a document called a “duplicata” or duplicate in the event of theft or loss of your “titre de séjour” in France
If you have a valid immigration document called a “titre de séjour” and it has been stolen or lost…
If you are not in France at the moment and you lose or have your “titre de séjour” residence permit stolen, you can request a document called a re-entry visa or “visa de retour” from the French consulate so you can return to France.
Verified by La Cimade on 31/01/2024
In the event of loss or theft of your residence permit or “titre de séjour” while abroad, you can request a document called a “visa de retour” from the French consulate so you can return to France.
This rule applies even if your partner has stolen your “titre de séjour”. Applicable law: Article L.312–4 of the “CESEDA”.
You must apply for the re-entry visa or “visa de retour” at the French consulate of the country you are currently in. You must first report the loss or theft of your “titre de séjour” to the local authorities.
You must have a valid passport to apply for a “visa de retour”.
In the event of the loss or theft of your passport, you must first apply for a new passport with the authorities in the country you are in.
When you have a valid passport, you can then contact the French consulate of the country you are in to request a “visa de retour”. Contact details can be found on this website.
You will need to provide the following documents with your application:
You should receive a response within two months.
If you have been granted a “visa de retour”, you can return to France with this document.
As soon as you return to France, you can make an appointment with the French local authority known as the “préfecture” of your department to request a “duplicata” or duplicate of the “titre de séjour” residence permit that was stolen or lost, or to request a new “titre de séjour” if the old one has expired.
Please note: the “préfecture” may re-examine whether you are still entitled to the “titre de séjour” that you are applying for once you are in France.
If your application is declined, you can challenge the decision by lodging an appeal or “recours”, to the service responsible, known as the “Commission de recours contre les décisions de refus de visa”.
It is recommended to be assisted in this procedure by an organisation offering free services or "association" specialised in the law on foreign nationals or a lawyer.
In France, there are many services that can support you, give you advice, and assist you with procedures and paperwork. Most of them are free of charge.
“La Cimade” is an organisation that specialises in supporting all immigrant and migrant people, and refugees in France, particularly people facing violence.
“Gisti” is an organisation specialising in legal advice to immigrants and refugees in France.
“Associations” are organisations that offer various services. Some are specialised in immigration.
While the utmost care has gone into providing you with the most accurate and up to date information, this page is not intended to replace legal or professional advice. Laws and procedures change regularly so it is important to consult qualified professionals.
Requesting a document called a “duplicata” or duplicate in the event of theft or loss of your “titre de séjour” in France
If you have a valid immigration document called a “titre de séjour” and it has been stolen or lost…
Verify my eligibility for French residency rights
This questionnaire has been designed to help you determine the reasons or “fondements” that could…